by jnelson | Sep 12, 2015 | News, Resources
Southwest Cyberport is proud of our customers. After all, they’re smart enough to use a friendly, local ISP with cutting-edge technology and good tech support, so they must know something. 😉 One of the ways we show it is by offering website owners and other...
by jnelson | Nov 15, 2014 | How the Net Works, News
Interesting new statistics from the Census Bureau concerning individual computer and Internet use in the US came out this week. Depressingly, they confirm that the Land of Enchantment is once again near the bottom. However, another study points out that the whole...
by jnelson | Aug 23, 2014 | Events, Interesting Items, News
For a lot of people, September is “back to school” time. But it’s not just the little ones who can have their minds expanded with new ideas this year. Since last year’s events proved to be so successful and well-received, the Albuquerque Technical...
by jnelson | Jul 31, 2014 | Interesting Items, News
New Mexico, for all its fame for ancient Indian cultures and rich Spanish tradition, is also a magnet for people who look not to the past but the future. After all, Robert Oppenheimer and Robert Goddard both lived and worked in our state, and the development of the...
by jnelson | Jul 12, 2014 | Interesting Items
It should come as no surprise that there are a lot of interesting, intelligent people in this area. They’re busy doing some amazingly creative things, which could often use some support. Many of these clever, talented people are members of Southwest Cyberport...