by jnelson | Jul 26, 2019 | News, Our Blog, Security, Warnings
UPDATE: This morning after the DDOS attack, the active steps taken to foil the interference due to the assault seem to be successful. Initial analysis of events has just begun. However, just like climate change, cyberattacks are now part of the new normal. And as...
by jnelson | Jul 13, 2017 | Our Blog, Warnings
Spelling is important on the Internet, but not just to make users look smart. Misspellings in messages may be embarrassing but a mistake in the various codes that manage the software that run the internet can have disastrous consequences. A single misplaced character...
by jnelson | Feb 24, 2017 | News, Our Blog, Security
Since the dawn of personal computers, one premium brand has consistently stayed at the forefront in terms of ease of use, graphics, and other user-friendly features. This brand has been so successful that it almost defined what the personal computer is and can be...
by jnelson | Feb 4, 2017 | News, Our Blog, Security, Warnings
Like an early sign of spring, the tax scammers and would-be defrauders are already spreading their evil lies all across the land. And this year, they’ve gotten an early start and seem worse than ever. The IRS says that phishing scams – using email supposedly...
by jnelson | Jun 10, 2015 | News, Security
A report by Anthony Mason on the CBS Evening News recently highlighted the latest consumer security concerns about hackers. A “white hat” expert from the security firm Trustwave managed to break Mason’s 7-character password in just 37 seconds. And it...