by jnelson | Feb 4, 2017 | News, Our Blog, Security, Warnings
Like an early sign of spring, the tax scammers and would-be defrauders are already spreading their evil lies all across the land. And this year, they’ve gotten an early start and seem worse than ever. The IRS says that phishing scams – using email supposedly...
by jnelson | Dec 14, 2012 | Interesting Items, News
Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is known for frank speaking even when he says something unpopular. Recently, he was at it again, defending his company’s avoidance of British taxes. Documents show that the search giant earned £2.5 billion in UK...
by jnelson | Mar 27, 2012 | News, Security, Warnings
Your friends at the Internal Revenue Service are eager to get everyone to do their federal taxes online. But in their efforts to make everything quick and easy, they’ve wound up helping Internet tax scammers, too. And it’s not a phishing scheme or involves...