by jnelson | Feb 21, 2015 | News, Security, Warnings
Every week new intrusive exploits by hackers are found across the Internet. Some unsuspecting new institutional victim is revealed to have been penetrated. Lately most have involved major commercial corporations which had personal data stolen, like the recent assault...
by jnelson | May 29, 2014 | How the Net Works, Interesting Items, News
Almost a year after his name first surfaced in connection with the NSA leaks, Edward Snowden has finally been heard in an interview on American network television. It has not been an easy go. All that time, Snowden has been a man publicly reviled in near-Orwellian...
by jnelson | Jun 14, 2013 | How the Net Works, News, Security, Warnings
Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock lately, you know that recent revelations of the vast extent of government surveillance of the Internet and users have lit up a world wide firestorm. The brouhaha will doubtless continue, and further revelations are bound...