Ransomware: Another Reason for Back-Ups

Among the many kinds of wicked online traps that users must beware, one of the most vicious kinds is called “ransomware”. This is a generic term for a type of malicious software that encrypts all or the most useful of the victim’s files, making it...

What Does Apple’s New Privacy Policy Mean?

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has recently been touting the company’s new privacy policy. In a letter to customers, he said that while the company collected user data, that was not the basis of their business model. In an obvious swipe at Google, he claimed: Our...

Dangers of Public Wi-Fi

[Note: This is derived from articles originally published in the July and August editions of the SWCP Portal, our monthly newsletter. Due to the importance of the security information they contained, we’re republishing them here for everyone.] Ars Technica tech...

Will the Internet Become a Toll Road?

One of the key principles determining how the Internet operates is in danger. And it may disappear altogether if big corporations and the Federal Communications Commission have their way. The result could turn the information superhighway into a toll road, where...