Osmond PCB


Osmond PCB is a flexible tool for designing printed circuit boards. It runs on Macintosh. Its many features include:


After years of development, Osmond PCB is now offered as a commercial application. To obtain a license and an accompanying access code, please visit www.capilano.com. Without the access code, Osmond will disallow printing, Gerber, and Postscript output of designs with more than 700 pins. The latest release is Version 1.0.12, built December 7, 2007. Versions are available for 68K, PPC, and X environments. Based on user reports, Osmond will not work with MacOS versions prior to 8.1. You can read the Release Notes to check on bug fixes and enhancements.

A version of Osmond for Mac OS-X only has been developed using native Quartz graphics for greatly improved rendering. The latest release of Osmond Quartz is 1.0.12, built December 7, 2007. Here are the Release Notes.

A Universal Binary version of Osmond Quartz is available. This version is able to run on both PowerPC Macs and Intel Macs running OS-X 10.4 or greater. The latest release is 1.0.12 built December 7, 2007. Development of Osmond Quartz has been suspended to devote all efforts toward the development of OsmondCocoa.

OsmondCocoa maintains the internal structures and algorithms of Osmond Quartz but completely revamps the User Interface using the modern Cocoa framework. OsmondCocoa will form the basis of all future Osmond code development. This release is 1.1b9 built May 23, 2010. Here are the Release Notes.

Click on the thumbnail images below to see full-scale screen shots:

Osmond . Osmond .

If you have questions, suggestions, or other comments, please e-mail me at: jchavez@swcp.com Also, please e-mail me if you would like to be notified when updates are released.



Toutes les traductions françaises sont effectuées par Dominique Larcher.

Pour toutes suggestions ou remarques concernant celles-ci dolarfred@ifrance.com


For those who would like to communicate with other Osmond PCB users, I have recently set up a Yahoo Group. To subscribe, click on the button below.

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Last Update: May 23, 2010
email: jchavez@swcp.com