Sooner or later, everyone needs help for their computer, or has been called upon by someone – parent, child, sibling, co-worker, or friend – to lend technical assistance for some problem too difficult for the other party to solve. Many times, advice must be given from far away, which can greatly compound the difficulties. And even if you’re quite familiar with the type and model of machine, it can be very frustrating trying to deal with computer problems entirely over the phone.

Wouldn’t it be much easier for the helper to actually see the screen, and do whatever needs to be done from the person’s own desktop?

Now there’s an online site that can allows just that: Copilot Remote Assistance. This handy tool grants the person giving tech support over the phone the ability to actually log into the recipient’s machine remotely. The supporter can actually drive the other device, moving the mouse and typing on the keyboard, while the recipient watches. No more long descriptions, having to go back a step, etc.

Copilot is available to everyone for a small fee, but it’s free for our customers’ computers. Our techs often rely on it. So if you as a member need help, call SWCP Tech Support to get a special invitation code to start a session. After talking it over with the technician, you’ll have to download software for your recent Windows or Mac machine for Copilot to work, so your email and browsers need to be up and running.

To help someone who’s not a Southwest Cyberport member, you can initiate it all on your own. The service is quite inexpensive, with a free 30-day trial, plus monthly and day passes. Just go to the Copilot site, and have the person needing help go there too, and follow the directions. The recipient will be emailed the invitation code and may have to check in his/her junk mail filter for the code if it doesn’t appear quickly.

More information can be found at our Copilot Remote Tech Support page.